PurOrganica Retinol Serum – Best Treatment for Acne and Acne Scars, Pigmentation, Fine Lines, Wrinkles and Dark Circles – Premium 2.5% Retinol,…


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SKU: E84590A5 Category: Tag:

Some people may have a skin reaction to this product, please consult with a doctor before using. Do not use on sensitive skin areas without doing a patch test first. Consult with a doctor before using if you are pregnant. WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD – SMALL PARTS. Not for children under 3 years old. Use with adult supervision only.

Additional information

Package Dimensions

‎10.4 x 3.6 x 3.4 cm, 80 Grams

Package Weight

‎0.08 Kilograms





Skin type



‎Organic, Cruelty-free, Natural, Vegan

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8 Reviews For This Product

  1. 08

    by Dani

    When I first brought this product I was in love, it was a somewhat thick consistency and I saw changes in 3 days, however after my 3rd reoccurring purchase I noticed the formula was changed. It’s a much more runny consistency and honestly doesn’t impact my skin as used to. I’d prefer if they used their old formula as it really did cause visible difference. I would like a refund as now this product no longer works for me 🙁 and it is pricey

  2. 08

    by Natalija

    I very rarely leave reviews unless a product really affects me in some way and i must say for me personally this product worked fantastically! I brought this serum along with the PurOrgnaica Retinol moisturising cream and the PurOrganica Vitamin C Serum aswell, and i have used all three products together for roughly the last 3 weeks – a month, which i prefer to use every night before bed and in the morning the cream only on my face. I was sceptical at first but i thought i might aswell try the products and i was pleasantly surprised. My skins feels, smoother, softer, more PLUMP and so much more hydrated! I have found my fine lines have disappeared!… Also i have an issue with deep forehead wrinkles (through my genetics unfortunately) and considering majority of products on the market wont fully get rid of really deep wrinkles (i was not expecting a miracle) like mine on my forehead (unless you go for botox) i am very impressed with these products as i have seen a significant improvement on my forehead and even though my the lines are still there they have become less visible which i am more than happy with as i myself have noticed a massive difference! So overall these to me are great products which have worked great for my skin. They also absorb quickly, which is great for me as i have oily skin, therefore they don’t feel heavy on my face. I would definitely recommend these and i myself will be purchasing again.

  3. 08

    by Charlie

    I started using this product 2 weeks ago. I have adult acne on my chin. Within a couple of days using it I noticed my acne was breaking out badly but research of Retinols said this was normal as the gunk under the skin has to go somewhere!! A week on I noticed how smooth and soft the rest of my skin was. Over the last few days my acne prone chin is starting to improve too. Nothing has worked before and it’s starting to look like this is so fingers crossed

  4. 08

    by Hournus Hasip

    Didn’t really notice any thing differently

  5. 08

    by Gemmy

    I have been using this product for about 6 weeks now, just once at night. The bottle is nearly empty. I was expecting to see redness or some kind of reaction based on what I learned about retinol but I have not experienced any side affects which is good, or could mean that the strength is not as advertised ? The product does not leave my skin dry or too oliy, it’s quite a thin constancy and dries quicky. I usually apply my moisturer after it has fully dried. I’m not sure if I have seen any big difference in my skin but I am only 27, so for me it is about prevention and looking after my skin. I read that retinol can make your skin more sensitive to the sun so be sure to wear an SPF with AV protection. I feel I will continue to use this product for some months and review it further X

  6. 08

    by Shreya Gupta

    One of the best serums I have used. Routine every night!

  7. 08

    by Flea72

    Few products inspire me to write reviews but this is one of them. I was a little cautious about ordering after reading the mixed reviews but I’m so glad I did. I wanted to give it a fair shot before reviewing and have now been using it once a day for three weeks. The results are amazing. I bought it for hormone-induced spots/acne (I’m a 40-something woman on the mini pill!). The number of spots has reduced dramatically and those that do appear are smaller and less painful and heal much faster. I do also cleanse and tone as well, though. I am hopeful that with prolonged use over a number of months that the spots will disappear altogether.
    However, the biggest surprise has been the dramatic impact on the dark circles under my eyes. They’re pretty much genetic and it doesn’t matter how much sleep I get, how much water I drink or what I eat. They’re just there. Until now. I hadn’t given the serum a second thought on the dark circles but they’ve all but gone. I can’t believe it. I’ve used countless top-end creams since my late teens to no effect. I’ve used this for three weeks daily and wow!
    I will certainly continue using this daily and would just say to anyone who orders it to give it time to work. It’s supposed to take a good three months to have the full effect so stick with it. Can’t wait to see what my skin is like in another two months’ time! The wrinkles/crows feet around my eyes are less defined, too 🙂

  8. 08

    by E

    My only regret is not taking before and after pictures, honestly!
    I’ve suffered with bad acne since I was around 10. I still have breakouts now but I’m also left with lots of scars from it. I bought this to help with my scars and it honestly works! Ive been using this serum for about 3 weeks and my face is so much clearer, even the texture has gotten better!
    I started my first ever skin care routine when I bought this and it has worked wonders for my skin! I have been having a purge of spots because of my new routine but this stuff honestly gets rid of any spots so fast and has generally made me feel so much more comfortable and proud in my own skin :))
    I highly recommend this to anyone suffering from acne and those who have scars who would like to reduce them :))

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PurOrganica Retinol Serum - Best Treatment for Acne and Acne Scars, Pigmentation, Fine Lines, Wrinkles and Dark Circles - Premium 2.5% Retinol,...