Udo’s Choice Digestive Enzymes – 7 Plant Based Digestive Enzymes – Optimise The Absorption & Use of Nutrients – Vegetarian, Gluten Free & Dairy…

  • Blend of plant-based enzymes, assisting breakdown of fats, carbs, proteins, sugars & fibre, aiding healthy digestion & nutrient absorption.
  • Replaces the vital naturaly occurring enzymes that are lost in the preparation and cooking of foods.
  • A super-rich source of protein-digesting enzymes
  • Vegetable Capsules
  • Made according to Food Chemical Codex methods and uses the FCC unit measuring system to define enzyme potency/activity.
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SKU: BD20D31A Category: Tag:

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‎60.00 count


‎Udo's Choice



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8 Reviews For This Product

  1. 08

    by Jamie

    Ingredients from the label and their website:

    The 10 carefully chosen enzymes in Udo’s Choice Ultimate Digestive Enzyme Blend have the following guaranteed activites as expressed in FCC units:

    Amylase 5000 DU (55mg)
    Protease 12500 HUT (5mg)
    Glucoamylase 4.5 AG (12mg)
    Malt Distase 270 DPo (12mg)
    Pectinase (with Phytase) 7.5 ENDO/PGU (10mg)
    Lipase 150 LU (25mg)
    Cellulase 400 CU (12mg)
    Invertase 100 SU (12mg)
    Lactase 500 ALU (5mg)
    Bromelain 50000 PU (2mg)

    Mixed in a base of beetroot fibre in easy-to-swallow vegetarian capsules.

    I don’t pretend to understand the units of measurement they are using or how they compare to other enzyme supplement units but I would of liked this information before purchasing.

    I’ll update with my experiences of the product once I have been using it for a few weeks. Consider the star rating meaningless until I update.

    OK, a bit late but here is my update: Personally I found it to be a quality product but of insufficient strength, I’ve long since replaced it with with a considerably cheaper 4x Pancreatin which does the job marvellously. In particular I feel that this product does not contain enough Lipase (for me), naturally your mileage may vary.

  2. 08

    by jayne

    Seem to be doing what there supposed to.

  3. 08

    by Kevin Muldoon

    These tablets are designed to help you digest food. I’ll be totally honest and say that I don’t know exactly how they work from a medical point of view.

    What I do know is that they appear to be helping my GERD. I’ve dropped from two PPI tablets per day to one. What I have been doing instead is taking one of these oils before my meals.

    Long term, I would love to get off PPI tablets and replace them with natural solutions such as this. I need to test things more and tweak my diet, but these tablets do appear to be helping me.

    I’m not a doctor so you may want to speak to someone more knowledgeable before you change things up etc, but my experience of these tablets have been positive.

  4. 08

    by comingbackformore

    i have chronic indigestion due to a hernia. i could eat something for breakfast and at dinner still feel full. i take 1 or 2 of these before a meal and it helps me digest as normal. couldn’t recommend these enough.

  5. 08

    by Sue I

    I bought these to help with difficulty digesting protein, acid indigestion at times and undigested food, loose poops basically.

    I have found that if I get some reflux ( often 2 hours after eating) I can take one of these and it settles it down fairly rapidly. I have found that they appear to be slowing transit time so my stools are now well formed, miraculous really, haven’t had stools like this since I don’t know when. Didn’t take them with my dinner yesterday and was back to the usual results today.

  6. 08


    I didn’t expect these to be so effective! From the first time I took one my tummy was happier. I’m amazed.

  7. 08

    by San65

    I was diagnosed with hiatus hernia and acid reflux 2 years ago. I have been struggling away, taking omeprazole and fiddling with my diet to try and stop the attacks of painful indigestion. Desperate for a solution I started research into an alternative method of controlling the attacks that were making me so miserable. My issue was that the bouts of indigestion began 4 or 5 hours after my evening meal and were not really being helped by conventional meds. I was concerned that suppressing my stomach acid might have been contributing to the problem more than helping, I looked for something that could help with the digestive process.
    I have been taking these for some weeks now. Whilst I am still being careful not to challenge my digestion with foods guaranteed to make me flare up, I am now able to eat a relatively normal diet and be symptom-free! I love that as you take it at the same time as your food you can look at your plate and judges whether of not something could be a problem and take tablets accordingly, rather than having to anticipate meals and take pills on an empty stomach. ( I struggle to be that organised).
    I would recommend these to anyone suffering from digestive problems. I’m so happy I did.

  8. 08

    by chelynnah

    I have a bit of a problem that flares up every so often for no apparent reason and is really nasty and leaves me very sick and uncomfortable for anywhere from 12 to 48 hours. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for it, but when I looked up the symptoms on the internet some who had similar issues had found that using digestive enzymes with meals made a huge difference in the recurrence of these problems.

    I’ve been using them now for just over a year. For the first few months I used them religiously to help regulate my gut. After that first few months I no longer use them with every meal, but I do several times a week – and especially if it will be a large one, or if I’m already feeling a bit off. Since I started using them I have only had one mild flare-up, and a couple of times I thought it might be starting, but never actually developed (where before once I felt it starting I knew I was in for pain for the next day or two).

    I bought several bottles so I could have one in the car (for eating out), one in the kitchen, one in my handbag… This way I’m never without them.

    They have completely changed my life!!

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Udo's Choice Digestive Enzymes - 7 Plant Based Digestive Enzymes - Optimise The Absorption & Use of Nutrients - Vegetarian, Gluten Free & Dairy...