Kidney Disease/Stones

Discover kidney disease/stones medical supplies. Trusted products for support and management. Explore solutions for kidney health.

  • Himalaya Herbal Healthcare Cystone Tablets, 100 Count 30g

    • BALANCES pH OF URINE: It manages the production and composition of urine, thereby balancing its pH, which is often a cause for UTI’s and the burning sensation while emptying your bladder.
    • HELPS REDUCE STONE FORMATION: Cystone works by managing the concentration of calcium salts in the blood, which contributes to the formation of stones, and aids in breaking them down and expelling them from the body. It does this by acting on mucin, the sticky substance which binds the particles together to form stones.
    • NATURAL DIURETIC: Cystone naturally increases the excretion of excess water from the body, thereby increasing urine production and reducing bloating. This reduces the chances of you catching repeat urinary infections.
    • ALL NATURAL SUPPLEMENT: As it is made of natural ingredients based on Ayurveda, Cystone does not exhibit any side effects as long as the recommended dose and use is not exceeded.
    • HIGH-QUALITY PRODUCT: Himalaya’s manufacturing facilities are GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified and ISO 9001:2008 certified from NQA. Their Research & Development facility is GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) and GCP (Good Clinical Practices) certified and is recognized by India’s Institute of Health Sciences as an approved Ph.D. Centre.

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