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  • Rodak’s Hematology: Clinical Principles and Applications

    Make sure you are thoroughly prepared to work in a clinical laboratory. Rodak’s Hematology: Clinical Principles and Applications, 7th Edition uses hundreds of full-color photomicrographs to help you understand the essentials of hematology and hemostasis. This new edition details the parts and functions of the cell; shows how to accurately identify cells; covers normal hematopoiesis through diseases of erythroid, myeloid, lymphoid, and megakaryocytic origins; and simplifies hemostasis and thrombosis concepts and disorders. Easy to follow and understand, this book also covers key topics, including working in the hematology and hemostasis laboratory; complementary testing areas such as flow cytometry, cytogenetics, and molecular diagnostics; and laboratory testing of blood cells and body fluid cells.

    • Content throughout the text reflects the latest information on hematology and hemostasis.
    • Hematology and hemostasis instruments are described, compared, and contrasted.
    • More than 700 full-color illustrations and photomicrographs make it easier to visualize hematology concepts and show what you’ll encounter in the laboratory.
    • Instructions for laboratory procedures include detailed figures and sources of errors.
    • Case studies in each chapter provide opportunities to apply hematology concepts to real-life scenarios.
    • Hematology and hemostasis reference intervals are listed on the inside front and back covers for quick reference.
    • Bulleted chapter summaries make it easy for you to review important points.
    • Learning objectives begin each chapter and indicate what you should achieve, with review questions appearing at the end.
    • Appendices provide easy access to a list of key formulas, abbreviations, and a detailed glossary to complement learning.
      • NEW! Chapter on Patient Safety in Hematology and Hemostasis.
      • NEW! Section on hematology and hemostasis in transgender populations.
      • UPDATED! White blood cell chapters are current with the 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Haematolymphoid Tumours.
      • NEW! Changes in laboratory results associated with COVID-19 and other viral infections.
      • NEW! Content and figures on plasma transport, cell communication, and signal transduction.
      • NEW! Coverage of CRISPR technology for treatment of hemoglobinopathies and thalassemia.
      • UPDATED! Major revision of the Automated Blood Cell Analysis chapter.
    • Molecular Hematology

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      1. ISBN-10

      2. ISBN-13

      3. Edition

      4. Publisher

      5. Publication date
        18 April 2024

      6. Language

      7. Print length
        448 pages

      8. See all details
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      Product details

      • Publisher


        Wiley-Blackwell; 5th edition (18 April 2024)
      • Language


      • Hardcover


        448 pages
      • ISBN-10


      • ISBN-13



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      View Image Gallery

    • Hematology Board Review: Blueprint Study Guide and Q&A

      Now in its second edition, Hematology Board Review has been thoroughly revised and updated to contain the latest information that fellows and clinicians need to successfully prepare for the Hematology Certification Exam administered by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM). The new edition now contains even more high yield board study content and review questions.

      For the hematology-oncology fellow, hematologist, medical oncologist, or internist looking to review a given disease or blueprint category prior to their examination, this extremely practical study guide provides the pertinent points of emphasis that are often highlighted on the exam. Chapters on blood disorders and disease sites cover epidemiology, etiology and risk factors, staging, signs and symptoms, diagnostic criteria, indications for treatment, prognostic factors, treatment recommendations, and special considerations. Clinical pearls on other major subspecialty areas found on the exam include hematologic emergencies and supportive care, transfusion medicine, stem cell biology and hematopoiesis, cellular therapy, management of hematologic disease, complications after cellular therapy, and biostatistics. With 240 practice questions, detailed rationales, and a convenient print + digital package, Hematology Board Review gives you the tools to study your way and the confidence to pass the first time!

      Key Features:

        • Aligns with the latest Hematology Certification Exam ABIM blueprint

        • Provides a comprehensive yet concise review of all hematologic malignancies, blood disorders, transfusion medicine, cellular therapy, standard treatment regimens, and biostatistics

        • Revised to include new treatment recommendations and FDA approvals

        • Includes end-of-chapter assessment questions with detailed rationales – a total of 240 questions

        • Equine Hematology, Cytology, and Clinical Chemistry

          The all-new Equine Hematology, Cytology, and Clinical Chemistry draws on hematology and clinical chemistry information featured in the first edition of Equine Clinical Pathology and adds valuable cytopathology material from Diagnostic Cytology and Hematology of the Horse, making it a truly definitive reference to clinical pathology in equids. Thoroughly updated and expanded throughout, this Second Edition offers more images, more information, and new knowledge for previous chapters and entirely new chapters on bone marrow evaluation and cytopathology. 

          Designed to present clear, concise, and clinically relevant information, the book is logically organized for easy reference. Numerous figures, tables and images support the text, together with summarized information for ease of use. 

          • Offers a focus on clinical pathology in the horse, with in-depth information on hematology, clinical chemistry, and cytopathology in equids
          • Presents equine disease from a systems-based, clinicopathological perspective
          • Features hundreds of high-quality images
          • Includes contributions from veterinary specialists with expert knowledge of clinical pathology 

          A must-have purchase for anyone using hematology, clinical chemistry, and cytology in equine patients, Equine Hematology, Cytology, and Clinical Chemistry, 2nd Edition is a valuable resource for equine practitioners, clinical pathologists and residents, and veterinary students.

        • The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Hematology

          Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

          Bridging the gap between science and clinical practice, The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Hematology, Fourth Edition, provides concise, up-to-date coverage of “need to know” information on the diagnosis and treatment of blood and bone marrow disorders. Written by nationally recognized experts and senior fellows at the National Institutes of Health, and at leading research institutions throughout the United States, this essential pocket reference is logically organized by disease category and features a reader-friendly format that includes tables, algorithms, illustrations, and bulleted lists that highlight key information. 

        • Nathan and Oski’s Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood (Nathan and Oskis Hematology of Infancy and Childhood)

          Written by the leading names in pediatric oncology and hematology, Nathan and Oski’s Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood offers you the essential tools you need to overcome the unique challenges and complexities of childhood cancers and hematologic disorders. Meticulously updated, this exciting full-color set brings together the pathophysiology of disease with detailed clinical guidance to provide you with the most comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date information for diagnosing and treating children.

            • Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability.
            • Form a definitive diagnosis and create the best treatment plans possible with comprehensive coverage of all pediatric cancers, including less-common tumors, as well as all hematologic disorders, including newly recognized ones.
            • Develop a thorough, understanding ofthe underlying science of diseases through summaries of relevant pathophysiology balanced with clear, practical clinical guidance. Nathan and Oski’s is the only comprehensive product on the market that relates pathophysiology in such depth to hematologic and oncologic diseases affecting children.
            • Quickly and effortlessly access the key information you need with the help of a consistent organization from chapter to chapter and from volume to volume.
              • Stay at the forefront of your field thanks to new and revised chapters covering topics such as paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, lysosomal storage diseases, childhood genetic predisposition to cancer, and oncology informatics.
              • Learn about the latest breakthroughs in diagnosis and management, making this the most complete guide in pediatric hematology and oncology.
              • Discover the latest in focused molecularly targeted therapies derived from the exponential growth of knowledge about basic biology and genetics underlying the field.
              • Rely on it anytime, anywhere! Access the full text, images, and more at Expert Consult.
            • Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice, 7e

              Get the expert guidance you need to offer your patients the best possible outcomes with Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice, 7th Edition. This thoroughly up-to-date text contains both unparalleled scientific content and must-know clinical guidance, so you can enhance your problem-solving skills and make optimal use of the newest diagnostic techniques and therapeutic options in this fast-changing field.

              • Delivers state-of-the-art information and guidance from editors and global contributors who are at the forefront of their respective subspecialty areas.
              • Features sweeping content updates throughout, including basic science research which serves as a foundation for modern hematology, recent advances in stem cell transplantation, clinical advances in the treatment of each of the hematologic malignancies, immune checkpoint inhibitors, molecular diagnostics, transfusion medicine, and much more.
              • Includes several new chapters including Epigenetics and Epigenomics, Stem Cell Model of Hematologic Diseases, Multiple Myeloma, IND Enabling Processes for Cell-Based Therapies, and Immune Checkpoint Blockade in Hematologic Malignancies.
              • New Virtual Microscope with the ability to zoom in on high-quality digital hematopathology slides and frequent content updates accessible anywhere, any time on your favorite digital device.
              • Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, Q&As, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

            • Williams Hematology, 10th Edition

              The landmark text that has guided generations of hematologists and related practitioners―updated with the latest research findings and improved format and presentation

              Long revered for its comprehensiveness and extraordinary depth of detail, Williams Hematology provides essential coverage of the origins, pathophysiological mechanisms, and management of benign and malignant disorders of blood and marrow cells and coagulation proteins. The text contains a wealth of basic science and translational pathophysiology for optimal, lifelong learning. Experts in research and clinical hematology, the editors are known worldwide for their contributions to the field.

              This new edition contains everything that has made Williams Hematology the go-to resource for decades and has been updated with new chapters and critical new research into the molecular mechanisms responsible for hematological disorders and the impact on diagnosis and treatment. And the new format enables you to access each chapter via content modules covering key topics, with summaries, infographics, and cases―all linked to review questions for self-assessment. The full-color presentation integrates images of blood and tissue findings where they are cited in the text.

              NEW TO THIS EDITION:

              • Updated and revised content reflecting the latest research and developments
              • Convenient format that streamlines the learning process and improves retention
              • Additional chapters added on:

                Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors

                Immune Cell Therapy: Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapy

                Immune Cell Therapy Dendritic Cell and Natural Killer Cell Therapy

                The processes of cell death and survival

                Application of Big Data and Deep Learning in Hematology

              • Williams Hematology Cases with multiple-choice questions including detailed explanations—perfect preparation for the boards
              • Continuously updated online content with comprehensive drug therapy database and other resources
            • Wintrobe’s Clinical Hematology

              Comprehensive in scope and thoroughly up to date, Wintrobe’s Clinical Hematology, 15th Edition, combines the biology and pathophysiology of hematology as well as the diagnosis and treatment of commonly encountered hematological disorders. Editor-in-chief Dr. Robert T. Means, Jr., along with a team of expert section editors and contributing authors, provide authoritative, in-depth information on the biology and pathophysiology of lymphomas, leukemias, platelet destruction, and other hematological disorders as well as the procedures for diagnosing and treating them. Packed with more than 1,500 tables and figures throughout, this trusted text is an indispensable reference for hematologists, oncologists, residents, nurse practitioners, and pathologists. 
            • Hematology: The Red Cell and Its Diseases

              Hematology is a branch of medicine that deals with the study of blood, and the causes, prognosis, treatments and prevention of blood-related diseases. Red blood cells are a specific type of blood cells, which are the primary means of transporting oxygen to the tissues in the body through blood flow. They transport oxygen to the lungs through the capillaries and then release it in the tissues. The cytoplasm of these cells consists of hemoglobin, which contains the iron biomolecule having the capability to bind oxygen. Hemoglobin also provides the red color to the cells and blood. The cell membrane of the red blood cells comprises lipids and proteins, which provides essential properties for various physiological functions of the cells. These functions include stability and deformability of the blood cells, while traversing the capillary network and circulatory system. The red blood cells are created by the process of erythropoiesis, in which stem cells are transformed into red blood cells. Red blood cells have clinical significance as diseases such as anemia, hemolysis, and polycythemia can occur due to low or high red blood cell count. This book contains some path-breaking studies on red blood cells and the diseases associated with them. It will serve as a resource guide for experts as well as students.
            • Hematologies: The Political Life of Blood in India

              In this ground-breaking account of the political economy and cultural meaning of blood in contemporary India, Jacob Copeman and Dwaipayan Banerjee examine how the giving and receiving of blood has shaped social and political life. Hematologies traces how the substance congeals political ideologies, biomedical rationalities, and activist practices.

              Using examples from anti-colonial appeals to blood sacrifice as a political philosophy to contemporary portraits of political leaders drawn with blood, from the use of the substance by Bhopali children as a material of activism to biomedical anxieties and aporias about the excess and lack of donation, Hematologies broaches how political life in India has been shaped through the use of blood and through contestations about blood. As such, the authors offer new entryways into thinking about politics and economy through a “bloodscape of difference”: different sovereignties; different proportionalities; and different temporalities. These entryways allow the authors to explore the relation between blood’s utopic flows and political clottings as it moves through time and space, conjuring new kinds of social collectivities while reanimating older forms, and always in a reflexive relation to norms that guide its proper flow.

            • Color Atlas of Clinical Hematology: Molecular and Cellular Basis of Disease

              Provides coverage of the pathogenesis, clinical, morphologic, molecular and investigational aspects of a full range of blood disorders seen in daily practice

              The revised fifth edition of this renowned atlas presents readers with a comprehensive, visual guide to clinical hematology, featuring 2700 full-color photographs and figures depicting the spectrum of hematological diseases. Ranging from photographs of the clinical manifestations and key microscopic findings to diagrams of the molecular aspects of these diseases, the book provides up-to-date information of the blood diseases that clinicians encounter every day.

              Color Atlas of Clinical Hematology: Molecular and Cellular Basis of Disease offers the reader an understanding of normal cell machinery, and of the molecular basis for such processes as DNA and cell replication, RNA species, trafficking and splicing, protein synthesis, transcription factors, growth factor signal transduction, epigenetics, cell differentiation, autophagy, and apoptosis. The text goes on to explore how these processes are disturbed in the various diseases of the bone marrow, blood, and lymphoid systems.

              • Helps solve difficult diagnostic challenges and covers complex principles using highly illustrative, full-color images
              • Explores all aspects of benign and malignant hematology, including blood transfusion and coagulation with extensive coverage of the pathogenesis of common clinical entities
              • Provides a quick and easy reference of key diagnostic issues in a comprehensive yet concise format
              • Includes and illustrates the WHO Classification of Hematologic Malignancies
              • Illustrates the new knowledge of the molecular basis of inherited and acquired blood diseases

              Color Atlas of Clinical Hematology: Molecular and Cellular Basis of Disease is the must-have resource for both trainee and practising hematologists, and for every department of hematology.

              “Substantially updated and now multi-authored so that all aspects of haematology are equally covered, including the newest developments in molecular biology and genomic sequencing”

              “There is a surplus of invention in communicating complex problems here and an admirable effort to keep the reader totally up-to-date”

            • Williams Manual of Hematology, Tenth Edition

              A full-color clinical reference covering both common and uncommon blood disorders—distilled from the world’s leading hematology text

              Williams Manual of Hematology, Tenth Edition provides a concise, easy-to-navigate compilation of the pathogenic, diagnostic, and therapeutic essentials of blood cell and coagulation protein disorders. Referenced to the classic Williams Hematology, this portable guide has been carefully edited to deliver only the most clinical point-of-care facts, making differential diagnosis faster, easier, and more efficient. This updated edition reflects the latest research and includes more than 100 full-color clinical photographs.

              Concise but comprehensive, this complete guide includes sections on:

              • Initial Clinical Evaluation
              • Disorders of Red Cells
              • Disorders of Granulocytes
              • Disorders of Monocytes and Macrophages
              • Principles of Therapy for Neoplastic Hematological Disorders
              • The Clonal Myeloid Disorders
              • The Polyclonal Lymphoid Diseases
              • The Clonal Lymphoid and Plasma Cell Diseases
              • Disorders of Platelet and Hemostasis
              • Disorders of Coagulation Proteins
              • Thrombosis and Antithrombotic Therapy
              • Transfusion and Hemapheresis
            • Clinical Hematology Atlas – E-Book

              Learn how to accurately identify cells at the microscope with Clinical Hematology Atlas, 6th Edition. An excellent companion to Rodak’s Hematology: Clinical Principles and Applications, this award-winning atlas offers complete coverage of the basics of hematologic morphology, including examination of the peripheral blood smear, maturation of the blood cell lines, and information on a variety of clinical disorders. Vivid photomicrographs, schematic diagrams, and electron micrographs clearly illustrate hematology from normal cell maturation to the development of various pathologies so you can be certain you’re making accurate conclusions in the lab.

              • Schematic diagrams, photomicrographs, and electron micrographs in every chapter visually enhance student understanding of hematologic cellular morphology.
              • Compact size, concise text, and spiral binding make it easy to carry and reference this atlas in the laboratory.
              • Chapter on normal newborn peripheral blood morphology covers the normal cells found in neonatal blood.
              • Chapter on body fluids illustrates the other fluids found in the body besides blood, using images from cytocentrifuged specimens.
              • The most common cytochemical stains, along with a summary chart for interpretation, are featured in the leukemia chapters to assist in the classification of both malignant and benign leukoproliferative disorders.
              • Chapter featuring morphologic changes after myeloid hematopoietic growth factors is included in the text.
              • Morphologic abnormalities coverage in the chapters on erythrocytes and leukocytes, along descriptions of each cell, presents this information in a schematic fashion.
              • Appendix with comparison tables of commonly confused cells includes lymphocytes versus neutrophilic myelocytes and monocytes versus reactive lymphoctyes to help students see the subtle differences between them.
              • Glossary of hematologic terms at the end of the book provides a quick reference to easily look up definitions.
                • NEW! Revised chapters include updates based on extensive reviewer feedback.
                • NEW! Updated photos reflect the most up-to-date information and latest advances in the field.
              • Pediatric Hematology: A Practical Guide

                Hematology is often considered a challenging subject by students and junior medical staff alike. Using key scientific and clinical principles, this succinct guide provides a summary of modern day-to-day clinical practice in paediatric hematology. Focusing on the facts that underpin patient management, each chapter offers an initial summary of a particular paediatric hematologic condition. Several key clinical scenarios set out how common difficulties should be managed, from the neonate with line thrombosis, to the newly presenting patient with leukaemia, and the child who has suffered a stroke. Covering all hematology topics on the syllabus of the American Board of Paediatrics subspecialty examinations, this authoritative guide is ideal for both postgraduates and junior doctors, whose understanding of hematological conditions will increase greatly upon reading. This comprehensive and practical book specifically aims to equip clinicians to diagnose and manage children with hematological illness, and to support them and their families.
              • One Amazing Hematology Nurse: Notebook Journal For Women | Pretty Plaid & Floral Design | Nursing Appreciation Gifts For Nurses

                Do you know an amazing Hematology Nurse who deserves a little gift?

                This notebook is the perfect companion for the Hematology Nurse in your life. Moms, sisters, daughters, girlfriends and so on. Makes a great gift for National Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day (September 8), birthdays, Christmas, Mother’s day, etc…

                Make someone’s day and BUY NOW!


                • 6 x 9 inches
                • 100 pages
                • Soft matte cover
              • Schalm’s Veterinary Hematology


                An updated guide to veterinary hematology with expanded coverage on a variety of topics

                The revised seventh edition of Schalm’s Veterinary Hematology is updated to provide a comprehensive review of all topics related to disorders of the blood in animals. Designed as a gold-standard reference, this text covers a wide range of species in both confined and free-range populations, reflects the most recent trends in hematology diagnostics, and discusses recent advances in traditional techniques.

                Edited and written by an international team of experts in the field, the book represents an accessible yet in-depth resource for information on veterinary hematology. The new edition includes a hemolymphatic tissue section that covers current understanding of basic science and the species-specific hematology section is further expanded from previous editions. New chapters address emerging topics in hematology, and existing chapters have been revised and rearranged to improve readability and simplify access to the material. This seventh edition:

                • Updates the most complete reference on veterinary hematology across species
                • Contains a new section on basic biology of hemolymphatic tissues
                • Expands coverage of species-specific hematology
                • Presents new and emerging topics in blood disorders and diagnostic techniques
                • Features a reorganized contents list for an integrated, easy to use reference

                Written for veterinary clinical pathologists and residents, diagnostic laboratory staff, internists, and specialists, Schalm’s Veterinary Hematology is the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference on the topic.

              • Hematology-Oncology Therapy, Third Edition

                The Essential Therapy Guide to Cancer, Hematologic Disorders, and Supportive Care–Updated with the Latest Treatment Regimens
                Hematology-Oncology Therapy, Third Edition is an up-to-date, comprehensive therapy guide that delivers more than 500 treatment regimens in a succinct, uniform manner. The unique tabular design allows you to instantly locate and implement the proper treatment regimen. Supported by the latest practice guidelines, peer-reviewed literature, and the opinion of experts, Hematology-Oncology Therapy integrates extensive information that is critical to both office- and hospital-based practice of hematology and oncology.
                •Conveniently divided into three sections: Oncology; Supportive Care, Drug Preparation, Complications, and Screening; Selected Hematologic Diseases•Updated to include the latest regimens
              • Clinical Hematology Made Ridiculously Simple

                Hematology encompasses numerous diseases, and it is easy to get lost in the details of a reference text. This book focuses on seeing the overall clinical picture in a brief, clear manner. It offers a practical overview of the range of common hematologic disorders, with their diagnoses and treatments. The book is directed toward the medical, nursing, and PA student as well as the general practitioner, who would like a brief overview of the key and practical clinical aspects of Hematology, with understanding, rather than rote memorization.
              • Case Studies in Hematology and Coagulation

                This second edition compendium of 250 case studies (adding more than 170 pages over the first edition) is the result of a unique collaboration of 227 leading hematologists, hematopathologists, and oncologists. It will serve as both a case-based guide to the diagnosis and management of patients suffering from hematologic conditions and a valuable teaching tool.

                The editors have compiled an invaluable collection of cases covering common and rare entities-from anemias through lymphoma to plasma cell, platelet and coagulation disorders. Cases are presented in an easy-to-follow format, grouped by related conditions. The final two sections present 40 self-study challenge cases that provide basic history presentation information and initial workup data with images. The data is followed by questions about differential diagnosis, additional workup, most likely diagnosis, course of management and salient features of the case. Corresponding answers/discussions are provided by the authors of each case.

                Item Details:

                A broad range of topics in both hematology and coagulation are covered in this ASCP CaseSet, including:

                • Anemias
                • Leukemias
                • Myeloproliferative Disorders
                • Myelodysplastic Syndromes
                • Lymphoproliferative Disorders
                • Lymphomas and Their Mimics
                • Plasma Cell Disorders
                • Platelet Disorders
                • Hematologic Infectious Diseases
                • Other Hematologic Disorders
                • Bleeding Disorders
                • Thrombophilias
                • Other Hemostasis Disorders
              • Wintrobe’s Clinical Hematology

                Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

                This extensive title, which combines scientific principles with up-to-date clinical procedures, has been thoroughly updated for the fourteenth edition. You’ll find in-depth material on the biology and pathophysiology of lymphomas, leukemias, platelet destruction, and other hematological disorders as well as the procedures for diagnosing and treating them.

              • REVISION HANDBOOK OF CLINICAL HEMATOLOGY: A Short and Comprehensive summary note and Reference guide of Haematology

                Congratulations on reaching this short, comprehensive, and focused revision note of Haematology. This is the perfect guide designed to get you all set for any exam or clinical rotation in Hematology.

                REVISION HANDBOOK OF CLINICAL HAEMATOLOGY is loaded with essential, high yield and clinically optimized information in all areas of Hematology ranging from Hemopoiesis to Anemias, Hemostasis, blood transfusion and Hematological malignancies with exhaustive discussion of all sub-topics under them.

                The book is carefully written in a friendly, easily comprehensible and logically sequential manner, using tables and illustrations, that enhances easy understanding.

                It simplifies the stepwise approach to accurate diagnosis of Hematological disorders, through history, examination and laboratory investigations.

                REVISION HANDBOOK OF CLINICAL HAEMATOLOGY is indeed an amazing revision and reference handbook for residents, primary health care physicians, house officers, medical students, nurses and other health care professionals involved in haematology practices.

                This wonderfully and professionally written short book from such a rich background is definitely worth it, kindly “look inside” and get it now.

              • The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Hematology

                Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2022 and 2023!

                Bridging the gap between science and clinical practice, The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Hematology, Fourth Edition , provides concise, up-to-date coverage of “need to know” information on the diagnosis and treatment of blood and bone marrow disorders. Written by nationally recognized experts and senior fellows at the National Institutes of Health, and at leading research institutions throughout the United States, this essential pocket reference is logically organized by disease category and features a reader-friendly format that includes tables, algorithms, illustrations, and bulleted lists that highlight key information.

                • Discusses the pathophysiology, natural history, risk factors, diagnosis, management, and follow-up of common hematological diseases.
                • Contains new information on diagnosis, treatment and management of myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disorders; leukemias and lymphomas; disorders of hemostasis and thrombosis. Features new diagnostic and treatment strategies, updated references, and revised information throughout.
                • Ideal for the student, resident, or fellow on a hematology or oncology service, as well as the internist, hospitalist, family practitioner, and pediatrician who sees patients with blood diseases.
                • Perfect as an everyday reference or for board review.

                Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities!

                • Read directly on your preferred device(s ), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone
                • Easily convert to audiobook , powering your content with natural language text-to-speech
                • Adapt for unique reading needs , supporting learning disabilities, visual/auditory impairments, second-language or literacy challenges, and more
              • Hematology: 101 Morphology Updates


                Timely morphology resource based on ongoing series of morphology updates published in the American Journal of Hematology since 2008

                This is the first book of its kind, written by renowned author Professor Barbara J. Bain, featuring a collection of instructive cases with interesting morphological features initially published in the American Journal of Hematology. This new book aims to bring these interesting and instructive cases to a wider readership. This book features updated cases and a “Test Yourself” section to aid in reader comprehension and information retention.

                Cases covered in Hematology: 101 Morphology Updates include:

                • The significance of irregularly contracted cells and hemighosts in sickle cell disease, and striking dyserythropoiesis in sickle cell anemia following an aplastic crisis
                • Prominent Howell-Jolly bodies when megaloblastic anemia develops in a hyposplenic patient, and unusual aspects of G6PD deficiency
                • The cause of sudden anemia revealed by the blood film, chorea-acanthocytosis and dysplastic neutrophils in an HIV-positive woman
                • Neutrophil dysplasia induced by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, and diagnosis of pyrimidine 5′-nucleotidase deficiency suspected from a blood film

                Hematology: 101 Morphology Updates is a key resource for consultant hematologists and clinical scientists, trainee hematologists and biomedical scientists. The audience may use this book to solve difficult diagnostic problems or as a source of teaching cases: for both personal learning, including exam revision or solving difficult cases, and as a teaching resource.

              • Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice

                Extensively revised, comprehensive content from leading global contributors ensures that Hematology, 8th Edition, remains your #1 choice for expert guidance in all areas of this rapidly advancing subspecialty. This edition reflects the numerous advances that are redefining the field and dramatically influencing new approaches to diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes. Well-illustrated and clinically focused, it details the basic science and clinical practice of hematology and hematopoietic cellular therapy—covering virtually all aspects of hematology in one definitive resource.

                • Covers all hematologic disorders, including comprehensive discussions of hematologic malignancies, individualized patient care, cell-based therapies, transplantation, transfusion medicine, hemostasis, thrombosis, and consultative hematology—in one convenient volume.

                • Provides state-of-the-art guidance from global experts at the forefront of the latest research and clinical practice.

                • Provides extensive updates throughout on basic science research, advances in molecular diagnostics, new drugs, immunotherapies, personalized medicine, laboratory medicine, transfusion medicine, stem cell transplantation, and clinical treatment for all hematologic malignancies and non-malignancies

                • Contains new chapters on gene editing; the impact of mitochondria on hematopoiesis; myelodysplastic syndrome/myeloproliferative neoplasm overlap syndromes; immunotherapy and management of its toxicities; transfusion medicine in sickle cell disease; principles of radiation therapy; and COVID-19, including complications of vaccination and its impact on the hematologic system.

                • Discusses many new advances in the field, including details and the future of gene therapy for hemophilia, gene editing for sickle cell disease and thalassemia, the evolution of cellular therapy, use of cells, transfusion medicine vs. protein therapy, gene sequencing, immunotherapy, and new targeted drugs.

                • Includes more decision-making algorithms for formulating diagnoses and personalized treatment plans for those highly complex disorders that require individualized approaches.

                • Addresses the effects of aging on hematopoiesis and on the manifestations of a variety of hematologic disorders.

                • Discusses cardio-oncology and its impact on the treatment of patients with hematologic disorders.

                • Presents relevant basic science as background for clinical application in later sections.

              • Williams Hematology, 10th Edition

                Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

                The landmark text that has guided generations of hematologists and related practitioners―updated with the latest research findings and improved format and presentation

                Long revered for its comprehensiveness and extraordinary depth of detail, Williams Hematology provides essential coverage of the origins, pathophysiological mechanisms, and management of benign and malignant disorders of blood and marrow cells and coagulation proteins. The text contains a wealth of basic science and translational pathophysiology for optimal, lifelong learning. Experts in research and clinical hematology, the editors are known worldwide for their contributions to the field.

                This new edition contains everything that has made Williams Hematology the go-to resource for decades and has been updated with new chapters and critical new research into the molecular mechanisms responsible for hematological disorders and the impact on diagnosis and treatment. And the new format enables you to access each chapter via content modules covering key topics, with summaries, infographics, and cases―all linked to review questions for self-assessment. The full-color presentation integrates images of blood and tissue findings where they are cited in the text. 

                NEW TO THIS EDITION:

                • Updated and revised content reflecting the latest research and developments
                • Convenient format that streamlines the learning process and improves retention
                • Additional chapters added on:  

                  Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors

                  Immune Cell Therapy: Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapy

                  Immune Cell Therapy Dendritic Cell and Natural Killer Cell Therapy

                  The processes of cell death and survival

                  Application of Big Data and Deep Learning in Hematology

                • Williams Hematology Cases with multiple-choice questions including detailed explanations―perfect preparation for the boards
                • Continuously updated online content with comprehensive drug therapy database and other resources

              • Pediatric Hematology & Oncology Secrets

                For more than 30 years, the highly regarded Secrets Series® has provided students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Pediatric Hematology & Oncology Secrets, 2nd Edition, offers practical, up-to-date coverage of the full range of essential topics in this dynamic field. This highly regarded resource features the Secrets’ popular question-and-answer format that also includes lists, tables, pearls, memory aids, and an easy-to-read style – making inquiry, reference, and review quick, easy, and enjoyable.

                • The proven Secrets Series® format gives you the most return for your time  – succinct, easy to read, engaging, and highly effective. 

                • Fully revised and updated, including discussions of supportive care of children with cancer and psychosocial aspects of care. 

                • New chapters on Precision Medicine and Systems Biology; Health Equity and Disparities in Pediatric and Adolescent/Young Adult Oncology; Transfusion Medicine; Neoplastic Hematopathology; Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis; and more. 

                • Top 100 Secrets and Key Points boxes provide a fast overview of the secrets you must know for success in practice and on exams.

                • Bulleted lists, mnemonics, practical tips from global leaders in the field – all providing a concise overview of important board-relevant content. 

                • Portable size makes it easy to carry with you for quick reference or review anywhere, anytime. 

                • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. 

              • Anderson’s Atlas Of Hematology

                Anderson’s Atlas of Hematology, Third Edition is the most comprehensive atlas for the laboratory technologist. This text meets the needs of beginning hematology students in 2-year and 4-year medical laboratory science programs or students in programs learning the basics of hematology such as nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and medical students. Used as a quick reference, study guide, or atlas, this is an invaluable tool for today’s laboratory technician student. The Third Edition is divided into two units. Unit One: Cell Descriptions, features three sections covering blood cells, bone marrow, and cytochemistry. For each cell type, there is a description of the cell size, nucleus, and cytoplasm as well as a list of associated clinical disorders. Unit Two: Hematologic Disorders, includes three sections dedicated to red blood cell disorders, white blood cell disorders, and miscellaneous disorders. For each disorder, there’s a summary of pathology as well as clinical and laboratory features. In addition, a diagnostic scheme sets forth the relevant laboratory findings that lead to the delineation of each disorder.
              • Schalm’s Veterinary Hematology


                An updated guide to veterinary hematology with expanded coverage on a variety of topics

                The revised seventh edition of Schalm’s Veterinary Hematology is updated to provide a comprehensive review of all topics related to disorders of the blood in animals. Designed as a gold-standard reference, this text covers a wide range of species in both confined and free-range populations, reflects the most recent trends in hematology diagnostics, and discusses recent advances in traditional techniques.

                Edited and written by an international team of experts in the field, the book represents an accessible yet in-depth resource for information on veterinary hematology. The new edition includes a hemolymphatic tissue section that covers current understanding of basic science and the species-specific hematology section is further expanded from previous editions. New chapters address emerging topics in hematology, and existing chapters have been revised and rearranged to improve readability and simplify access to the material. This seventh edition:

                • Updates the most complete reference on veterinary hematology across species
                • Contains a new section on basic biology of hemolymphatic tissues
                • Expands coverage of species-specific hematology
                • Presents new and emerging topics in blood disorders and diagnostic techniques
                • Features a reorganized contents list for an integrated, easy to use reference

                Written for veterinary clinical pathologists and residents, diagnostic laboratory staff, internists, and specialists, Schalm’s Veterinary Hematology is the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference on the topic.

              • Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology

                The newly revised Fifth Edition of Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology delivers a fully updated new edition of the most complete reference to hematology and cytology in exotic animals. The book features high-quality images and step-by-step descriptions of practical techniques.    

                Organized by animal class to make it easier to quickly find critical information, the authors have included 45 new case studies to highlight the application of the content in a real-world setting. All major exotic animal groups are covered, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.    

                Clinicians seeking a decision-making aid for patient workup, treatment, and prognosis will find what they need in Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology. The book also includes:    

                • Thorough cellular descriptions unique to mammalian, avian, herptile, and fish species, with extensive discussions of blood and bone marrow sample collection and hematologic techniques for each group 
                • Comprehensive evaluation of the peripheral blood specific to mammals, birds, herptiles, and fish, as well as the evaluation of bone marrow  
                • Practical discussions of hematology case studies with applications to common real-world clinical problems  
                • Color atlas of hemic cells of select species for quick and easy reference 
                • Extensive examinations of cytodiagnosis and exploration of unique features within mammals, birds, herptiles, and fish, as well as cytology case studies and wet-mount cases in fish 
                • Access to video clips and additional case reports on a companion website 

                Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology is an essential reference for veterinary clinical pathologists, anatomic pathologists, clinicians, and technicians, as well as for veterinary students taking courses involving exotic hematology and cytology. 

              • Neonatology Questions and Controversies: Hematology and Transfusion Medicine (Neonatology: Questions & Controversies)

                Dr. Richard Polin’s Neonatology Questions and Controversies series highlights the toughest challenges facing physicians and care providers in clinical practice, offering trustworthy guidance on up-to-date diagnostic and treatment options in the field. In each volume, renowned experts address the clinical problems of greatest concern to today’s practitioners, helping you handle difficult practice issues and provide optimal, evidence-based care to every patient.

                The thoroughly updated, full-color, 4th Edition of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine: 

                • Provides a clear management strategy for complications in premature infants resulting from hematologic and immunologic systems that are not yet fully developed, offering guidance based on the most up-to-date understanding of underlying pathophysiology. 

                • Places emphasis on controversial areas that can entail different approaches. 

                • Features the most current clinical information throughout, including challenging issues in neonatal hematology such as anemia, transfusions, jaundice, leukocyte counts, and thrombocytopenia. 

                • Includes new chapters on neonatal transfusion medicine, with in-depth evaluations of fetal and neonatal iron homeostasis and risk factors for iron deficiency, and up-to-date information on improvements in bilirubin assessment and management. 

                • Utilizes a consistent chapter organization to help you find information quickly and easily, and contains numerous charts, graphs, radiographic images, and photographs throughout. 

                • Offers the most authoritative advice available from world-class neonatologists who share their knowledge of new trends and developments in neonatal care. 

                • An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. 

                Purchase each volume individually, or get the entire 7-volume Neonatology Questions and Controversies set, which includes online access that allows you to search across all titles! 

                • Gastroenterology and Nutrition 

                • Hematology and Transfusion Medicine 

                • Neonatal Hemodynamics 

                • Infectious Disease, Immunology, and Pharmacology 

                • Renal, Fluid, and Electrolyte Disorders 

                • Neurology 

                • The Newborn Lung 

              • Clinical Hematology: Theory & Procedures: Theory & Procedures

                Clinical Hematology: Theory & Procedures, Sixth Edition is a competency-based text with built-in study tools to help you master the theory of clinical hematology and the procedures used to diagnose and treat disorders of the blood and bone marrow.
              • Clinical Laboratory Hematology, Global Edition

                This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

                Clinical Laboratory Hematology, Third Edition, continues its stellar reputation as a comprehensive, yet reader-friendly, resource for all levels of hematology laboratory education, offering a visually engaging design and effective learning features that help students master the content. The text’s teaching and learning package includes an Instructor’s Manual, PowerPoint presentation slides, a test bank, image bank, and a companion website with resources for both instructor and students.


                Teaching and Learning Experience:

                • Designed for both MLT and MLS students, the text provides a beneficial and economical resource for laboratory science programs that offer both levels of instruction and includes a wealth of learning features.
                • Each chapter features a consistent format with a striking visual design, making it easy for the reader to find information on each topic.
                • Complemented by a variety of ancillary materials designed to help instructors be more efficient and effective and students more successful.
              • Williams Hematology, 10th Edition

                The landmark text that has guided generations of hematologists and related practitioners―updated with the latest research findings and improved format and presentation

                Long revered for its comprehensiveness and extraordinary depth of detail, Williams Hematology provides essential coverage of the origins, pathophysiological mechanisms, and management of benign and malignant disorders of blood and marrow cells and coagulation proteins. The text contains a wealth of basic science and translational pathophysiology for optimal, lifelong learning. Experts in research and clinical hematology, the editors are known worldwide for their contributions to the field.

                This new edition contains everything that has made Williams Hematology the go-to resource for decades and has been updated with new chapters and critical new research into the molecular mechanisms responsible for hematological disorders and the impact on diagnosis and treatment. And the new format enables you to access each chapter via content modules covering key topics, with summaries, infographics, and cases―all linked to review questions for self-assessment. The full-color presentation integrates images of blood and tissue findings where they are cited in the text. 

                NEW TO THIS EDITION:

                • Updated and revised content reflecting the latest research and developments
                • Convenient format that streamlines the learning process and improves retention
                • Additional chapters added on:  

                  Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors

                  Immune Cell Therapy: Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapy

                  Immune Cell Therapy Dendritic Cell and Natural Killer Cell Therapy

                  The processes of cell death and survival

                  Application of Big Data and Deep Learning in Hematology

                • Williams Hematology Cases with multiple-choice questions including detailed explanations—perfect preparation for the boards
                • Continuously updated online content with comprehensive drug therapy database and other resources

              • Hematology Guide: Examining The Causes And Treatment Of Anemia

                This book provides 300 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to hematology, organized into three practice papers. Answers and explanations are provided, along with references to recent journal articles, major textbooks in primary care, and selected web resources. Perfect for medical students studying hematology or preparing for exams.

              • Clinical Hematology Made Very Simple: An Incredibly Easy Way to Learn Hematology for Medical, Nursing, PA Students, and General Practitioners

                Introducing the ultimate guide to understanding hematology, “Clinical Hematology Made Very Simple.” Written by leading experts in the field, this textbook is the perfect resource for medical students, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in the fascinating world of blood and blood disorders.

                With its clear and concise language, “Clinical Hematology Made Very Simple” takes you on a journey through the intricacies of hematology, breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand terms. From the basics of blood cell morphology to the diagnosis and treatment of hematological disorders, this textbook covers everything you need to know to master hematology.

                Featuring stunning and clear explanations, “Clinical Hematology Made Very Simple” makes learning about hematology an immersive and enjoyable experience. And with its practical approach to clinical cases and real-world scenarios, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in your medical career.

                Whether you’re a student, physician, or researcher, “Clinical Hematology Made Very Simple” is the must-have resource for understanding the intricacies of hematology. So why wait? Order your copy today and start exploring the fascinating world of blood!

              • Hematology


                Last updated: 9/28/12, 2/20/13, 4/17/13, 5/7/13

                This books provides over 70 pages of review of high yield topics in Hematology often tested on board exams such as the USMLE, COMPLEX, ABSITE, and etc.

                You are a medical student, resident, nurse, or other healthcare professional who has been tasked with learning about and reviewing: HEMATOLOGY.

                You also need specific multiple choice questions that test your knowledge on this topic and that will help you differentiate this topic from similar topics.

                You can find all of that information and more here.

                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                – Anemia (Microcytic anemia, Anemia of chronic disease, Hemolytic anemia)

                – Angiogenesis

                – Antithrombin III (Anticoagulant)

                – Aspirin

                – Bernard Soulier

                – Bleeding time

                – Coagulopathy

                – Coumadin (warfarin)

                – Cross match

                – DDAVP

                – Dipyridamole (Vasodilator)

                – Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)

                – Epinephrine (Vasoconstrictor)

                – Extrinsic pathway

                – Factor I

                – Factor II

                – Factor V

                – Factor V Leiden

                – Factor VII

                – Factor VII deficiency

                – Factor VIII

                – Factor IX
                – Factor X

                – Factor XI

                – Factor XII

                – Factor XIII

                – Fibrinogen

                – Furosemide

                – Glanzman’s thrombasthenia

                – Hematology/Oncology (Hematologic cancer, multiple myeloma, lymphoma)

                – Hemoglobin

                – Hemophilia

                – Hemophilia A

                – Hemophilia B

                – Hemophiliac joint

                – Heparin (Anticoagulant)

                – Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)

                – Indomethacin

                – Intrinsic pathway

                – Kallikrein

                – Kininogen

                – Liver disease / Liver failure

                – Lupus anticoagulant

                – Plasmin (see thrombolysis…)

                – Platelets

                – Polycythemia vera

                – Prostacyclin (PGI2) (Vasodilator)

                – Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) (Vasodilator)

                – Prostaglandin G2 (Vasoconstrictor)

                – Prostaglandin H2 (Vasoconstrictor)

                – Protein C and S (Anticoagulant)

                – Prothrombin complex

                – Prothrombin time (PT) and Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)

                – TEG

                – Transfusion reactions (Leukocytes)

                – Thrombin

                – Thrombin time

                – Thrombocytopenia

                – Thrombolysis and Fibrinolysis (Plasmin, Tissue plasminogen activator)

                – Thrombolysis reversal

                – Thromboxane A2 (Vasoconstrictor)

                – Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)

                – Uremia

                – Urokinase

                – Vitamin K

                – Von Willebrand’s disease (Von Willebrand disease)

                – Absite Topics

                – Most popular books

                – Free question bank

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