Rio Trading Quebra Pedra 500mg 90 vegicaps


  • Made from quebra pedra is known as the stonebreaker
  • Used in Indian Ayurvedic practices as medicine
  • Also used other tropical areas of the world for liver and kidney support
  • Many of the active constituents found in the leaf stem and root of the plant
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SKU: F0F2262E Category: Tag:

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Product Name

‎500 mg Quebra Pedra 5:1 Extract 90 Vegetarian Capsules


‎0.03 Kilograms


‎45.0 gram

Country of origin

‎United Kingdom


‎Rio Amazon



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3 Reviews For This Product

  1. 03

    by Zoli

    I was always somewhat sceptical about how effective natural remedies can be, however this product does the miracle. After a few torturous hours agonising in pain I managed to go to the hospital where they diagnosed me with kidney stone. One in the bladder (that had already passed the ureter and caused me that terrible sensation as if my kidney was about to explode) and one in both of my kidneys. All three stones were relatively small, some 4mm in diameter which is why they advised me in the hospital that at that point there was not much to do. The stones would either leave my body in a natural way or they can remove them later when they are already bigger in size. Not wanting to have the terrible experience that the two stones in my kidneys pass through my ureter and all three through my penis I started searching on the internet in full panic. Luckily I came across this plant called Quebra Pedra in Portuguese (or Chanca Piedra in Spanish) which people in the Amazon area but also in places like Malaysia have used since ancient times. I thought I have nothing to lose and ordered this product from Rio Trading. Two months later when they scanned my kidneys and my bladder they didn’t find any of my stones which was an absolute release for me.

    There are different kinds of kidney stones, even though the majority of them, some 90%-95% consist of the same components. As some people found Quebra Pedra ineffective it may well be that the composition of their kidney stone is different which is why it couldn’t be dissolved by this natural medicament. Based on my own experience however I can recommend this product with full confidence as it worked for me and it probably dissolves the majority of kidney stones.

    As people prone to developing kidney stone may have stones again at some later stage in their life, I usually take Quebra Pedra capsules every day for a week about every 6 to 8 months.

  2. 03

    by MH

    I always find it hard to review something that you don’t really know 100% if they have done what they say they do. In short though they arrived on time, well packaged, and the pot looks genuine. I have had a large kidney stone in the past (removed by op) and at a recent hospital visit brought forward because I had been having infections similar to the first time around I found I had another small stone. This time though it was small enough to pass so no surgery needed. I was in a little discomfort and was a little apprehensive about when/if it would decide to move especially as we were travelling to a country that I did not want it to make an appearance in, even with insurance! So I thought I would try these in the hope they would help things along or at least reduce the discomfort. Well I did notice that the grumbling stopped and the ache in my back eased. This could have been because the antibiotics I had been on cleared the infection. Apart from that I haven’t notice anything passing. So unless I go back to hospital for another scan I won’t know if I still have it or not. I haven’t been unwell since though. I would certainly take them again if I find myself in a little discomfort. Of course everyone is different where Meds are concerned but they may be worth a try.

  3. 03

    by jw/mana

    I just had to write about this product because I’m so impressed by it.
    Like so many others I was also somewhat sceptical as to whether it could do what the manufacturers claimed. I read so many positive reviews that I thought I might as well give them a go.

    The first time I experienced the excruciating pain from a kidney stone was over 30 years ago. Thankfully I managed to pass it after 24 hours, but I was left with the feeling of peeing through broken glass for a couple of days after.
    About a year ago the same thing happened as I recognised the feeling which is one you don’t forget in a hurry. it started off with a dull ache like being kicked in the groin ( I did shotokan karate for many years so I know that feeling lol ). Again I managed to pass it.

    Imagine my dismay when last month 12/05/17 I felt that same ache in my right side ( thankfully it only seems to affect my right side ). By the end of the evening I was in agony and none of the over the counter pain killers would help.
    Terrible night’s sleep and saw my doctor the next morning. He did some tests and told me I had blood in my urine and contacted the hospital and got me an appointment for the same day. He advised me to take a bag with my things in as he felt I would be admitted.

    Got to the hospital. Had a few test and given some heavy duty pain relief ( administered not orally or by drip but where the sun doesn’t shine! It’s odd how embarrassment goes out of the window when you’re in so much pain. I then had a CT scan which showed I had a few small stones in my right kidney and a large one that was trapped in my ureter.

    The specialist came to see me and give me the bad news which was that I was booked in for a general anaesthetic the next morning and that they were going to insert a camera and then fit a stent.
    I wasn’t too pleased with the idea and asked if I’d be able to pass it naturally as I’d done before.
    No it’s far too big was his reply.

    I thought hard and long about it and went on line and Googled it. This was when I read about this Quebra Pedra and all the positive write-ups. To be honest I wasn’t in any pain anymore due the pain relief that I’d been given so decided to discharge myself against the wishes of the staff and the doctors.
    They told me that once the medication wore off and if I felt unwell and had a high temperature to dial 999 as it would be an emergency and I could end up with renal failure!

    I went home and not long after the pain came back and I was back on the prescribed pain killers.
    I ordered these pills from Amazon and went for express delivery. It was the May bank holiday so I knew it wasn’t going to get to me till the Tuesday at the earliest.

    Tuesday arrived along with the post and my pills.
    I’d already taken a couple of prescribed pain killers which had helped a little with the pain. I popped one of these Quebra Pedra pills and within a couple of hours the pain had subsided completely.
    I thought it was down to the pain killers doing their thing even though apart from the stuff I was given in hospital none of them had totally stopped the pain.

    Lunch time arrived, I took another Quebra Pedra and still no pain and I didn’t feel the need to take anymore pain killers.
    Dinner time and another Quebra Pedra and still no pain and again didn’t feel the need to take anymore prescribed pain killers.

    I went to bed and for the first time slept through the night without waking.
    Woke the next morning feeling fine. I took my first Quebra Pedra had breakfast and then went out and cut the grass!!
    I couldn’t believe it and neither could my wife. Over the bank holiday I couldn’t do a thing because of the pain I was in and here I was a few days later and only four pills into the course and I was out mowing the grass.
    I carried on with the course and had no more pain and no more pain killers.

    I got a letter from the hospital to say I was booked in for a scan and that I must drink at least one and a half liters of water!
    I arrived at the duly appointed time and after a short wait I went in for an ultra sound scan.
    The woman doing the scan went all over my right side and then across the front and then did it again. She said that’s strange and called the other woman over to look at the screen.
    I asked what was wrong and she said it’s amazing, there’s no sign of the large stone that was blocking your ureter and there were two tiny stones in my right kidney but they were nothing to worry about.
    I told her what I was taking and showed her the container. Which her colleague then went on line to check it out.
    She said it’s nothing short of miraculous and that she’s never seen anything like it before and that not only had the stone disappeared but there was also no scarring to my kidney.
    She checked my left side which was clear and then did my right side again as well as my bladder and gave me the all clear and said whatever you’re doing keep doing it.

    I left the hospital on cloud nine. I contacted Rio Amazon and told them my good news and thanked them for such a wonderful product.

    If I hadn’t tried this product and taken the other option I’d have had to go through a medical procedure under a general anaesthetic. Then three or four weeks later I’d have to have had another general anaesthetic to remove the stent and then there was no guarantee that it would have worked according to the specialist.
    If it hadn’t then I’d have been under the knife as they’d have to go in through the right side of my back to remove the stones 🙁

    My apologies for this being a lengthy write-up but I wanted others who might be suffering to know about this wonderful product.

    I would like to point out that I am in no way connected to Rio Amazon.

    All the best, John Watson.

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Rio Trading Quebra Pedra 500mg 90 vegicaps